Megaman passes all the challenges and tells the Navi that he's done, which surprises the Navi and makes him reveal his true identity: A criminal that had recently stolen a big amount of Zenny, which were hidden inside the mystery package, Megaman tells him that the Patrol Navis will stop him until he reveals that the beacons were bombs that knock out the Patrol Navis. The Navi hosting the challenges gives Megaman 3 missions, the first is delivering a mystery package to a Navi in CentralArea 1, the second is grabbing some "beacons" and planting them near every Patrol Navi in CentralArea 2 and the third is fighting a group of Viruses. Megaman is nervous about his new fame but Lan is too busy being excited for the tournament, so he enters the Net to pass the first few challenges and meet the other contestants. Once the class is over, Lan reunites with Dex, Mayl and Yai who tell him about a tournament similar to the N1, except that only the big hotshots of NetBattling are allowed to enter, Megaman included since he defeated the Cybeasts. Once the class ends he talks about a brand new mechanic that has been added to Virus Busting, the ability to jump and slide, and asks you if you know about this mechanic, once again you can choose to skip the tutorial or go through it.

RARs until the teacher of his class arrives and asks Lan to demonstrate a class on Virus Busting, if you say yes, a tutorial will begin, if you say no then you'll be given the chance to skip the class while an expert gives the class to the rest. Lan finally enters his high school where everyone is debating about the new. Lan is amazed at this new info and keeps listening on the details, forgetting that he has to go to school until Megaman snaps him out directly by going into the CopyBot and slapping some sense into him. The game starts with Lan Hikari waking up just in time for high school, Megaman is surprised at this only to learn he was woken up due to a "Breaking News" report airing in his new TV, talking about a brand new breed of Navis being produced known as ".RARs" along with the announcement that soon Navis will get the ability to be upgraded into. Not only that, but a new Navi named "Sigma.EXE" being contructed by the world's experts to fight off crime eventually BECOMES the crime and starts making an army to rule the world.Things are not looking too bright for Lan and Megaman.

Lan Hikari is living a great life without too many problems and no threat has arisen since the defeat of the Cybeasts, that's until a big tournament comes up and he's called by his dad to fix an eror that's making Navis buffer, which turns out to be cache that's spreading from a rift in the internet's fabric that leads to "Cache Servers" controlled by "Cache.EXE", who is plotting a revolution for NetNavis. 1.3 Transition 1 - Crazy for the Superstar! (Cache Hierarchy)/Ring Ring, Lost Girl! (Sigma Factor).1.2 Scenario 1 - TurboMan's Gone Haywire!.