The authors of this manual are members of international social movements and CSOs which are in- volved in local and national struggles in different parts of the world, and have been engaged in the elab- oration and negotiation process of the Global Strategic Framework for Food Security and Nutrition (GSF). But, among the myriad of ongoing international processes relat- ed to food security and nutrition, are movements and civil society organizations able to recognize which ones are of relevance for them? As a stepping stone towards tackling this apparent minefield of infor- mation, the authors suggest that social movements and CSOs can start by analyzing if demands and topics of their own local and national struggles are reflected in these global decisions and documents emerging from Rome. Why should social movements and civil society organizations (CSOs) be interested in what is being discussed, debated and approved in Rome? The answer is simple: because it is impossible to ignore that global decision making on food, nutrition and agriculture has become highly relevant for the day-to-day life of people in their national context. There is a clear information gap, and this publication aims to contribute to bridge this gap. Introduction 1.1 Global decisions in Rome and their implications at home – the purpose of the manual There is a general agreement among social movements, civil society groups and also governments from around the globe that a lack of clarity persists at national and local levels regarding ongoing negotia- tions and debates pertaining to food security and nutrition in Rome, where the UN Committee on World Food Security and the UN organizations which work with food and agriculture are based. Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayed Symptoms and effects are not known to date.

4.2 Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayed No further relevant information available.After swallowing: Drink plenty of water and provide fresh air.After eye contact:Rinse opened eye for several minutes under running water.
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After skin contact: Generally the product does not irritate the skin.After inhalation: Supply fresh air consult doctor in case of complaints.Fight fire with normal precautions from a reas- onable distance. Related to National Federation High School Rule BookĪdvice for firefighters In case of fire and/or explosion do not breathe fumes. Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayed.